Mosaic Learning-6: Aprendizaje electrónico móvil, de código abierto, basado en estándares, seguro, contextual, personalizado y colaborativo

The Mosaic Learning project is oriented to research, developing and demonstration to show how the ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) modified the traditional learning environment building new not previously explored frameworks where their operability, collaborative and productivity qualities have been demonstrated. ICT begin the approximation to the learning process through not related different approaches. The new project objectives try to offer a new coordinated and related joint efforts of the research teams involved. Communication mobility or ubiquity offers new functionality in the content distribution as well as in the teachers, students, devices and contents relationship. In one hand, the personalization of the content and learning process is shown as one of the more influential parameter to gain performance. Sharing learning contents is one of the rewards obtained through the ICT global organization standards proposals. In the other hand ICT catalyze new students’ interaction as well as cooperation and group centred learning expanding the learner social context.

There is a new trend in the open code platform developing that is strongly impelling as it facilitates the universal access to learning. And the context where this learning process is done is changing due to technology too. There is a self-adapting environment that helps to anticipate the learning process needs. Finally, secure aspects must be part of the development and design processes allowing always an adequate identification of the user and the services that will be involved. This project is designed to cover all these concepts putting in the same field consolidated researching groups that could provide different aspects of the complex e-learning process. Partnership includes two distance learning Universities and four traditional ones having the widest learning scenarios where could be possible to evaluate the project results.

Fund: Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, project TSI2005-08225-C07-06, 2005-2008

Principal Investigator: Carlos Delgado
UAM Principal Investigator: Manuel Alfonseca

Project members: