Designing Game-Inspired Applications to Increase Daily PA for People with ID (bibtex)
by Evensen, Ingrid and Omfjord, Jens Brandsgard and Torrado, Juan Carlos and Jaccheri, Letizia and Gomez, Javier
People with intellectual disabilities are less likely to meet the recommended daily levels of physical activity. Meeting these requirements can lower the risk of serious health problems and life threatening diseases. To address this problem, the idea is to exploit mobile applications designed specifically to help increase daily levels of physical activity.
Designing Game-Inspired Applications to Increase Daily PA for People with ID (Evensen, Ingrid and Omfjord, Jens Brandsgard and Torrado, Juan Carlos and Jaccheri, Letizia and Gomez, Javier), In Entertainment Computing and Serious Games (van der Spek, Erik, Göbel, Stefan, Do, Ellen Yi-Luen, Clua, Esteban, Baalsrud Hauge, Jannicke, eds.), Springer International Publishing, 2019.
Bibtex Entry:
@InProceedings{10.1007/978-3-030-34644-7_31, author= {Evensen, Ingrid
and Omfjord, Jens Brandsgard
and Torrado, Juan Carlos
and Jaccheri, Letizia
and Gomez, Javier}, editor= {van der Spek, Erik
and G{\"o}bel, Stefan
and Do, Ellen Yi-Luen
and Clua, Esteban
and Baalsrud Hauge, Jannicke}, title= {Designing Game-Inspired Applications to Increase Daily PA for People with ID}, booktitle= {Entertainment Computing and Serious Games}, year= {2019}, publisher= {Springer International Publishing}, address= {Cham}, pages= {377--382}, abstract= {People with intellectual disabilities are less likely to meet the recommended daily levels of physical activity. Meeting these requirements can lower the risk of serious health problems and life threatening diseases. To address this problem, the idea is to exploit mobile applications designed specifically to help increase daily levels of physical activity.}, isbn= {978-3-030-34644-7}}
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