Integrating Virtual Worlds with Tangible User Interfaces for Teaching Mathematics: A Pilot Study (bibtex)
by Graciela Guerrero, Andrés Ayala, Juan Mateu and Laura Casades
Integrating Virtual Worlds with Tangible User Interfaces for Teaching Mathematics: A Pilot Study (Graciela Guerrero, Andrés Ayala, Juan Mateu and Laura Casades), In Sensors, MDPI AG, volume 16, 2016.
Bibtex Entry:
 doi = "10.3390/s16111775",
 url = "",
 year = 2016,
 month = "oct",
 publisher = "{MDPI} {AG}",
 volume = 16,
 number = 11,
 pages = 1775,
 author = "Graciela Guerrero and Andr{\'{e}}s Ayala and Juan Mateu and Laura Casades and Xavier Alam{\'{a}}n",
 title = "Integrating Virtual Worlds with Tangible User Interfaces for Teaching Mathematics: A Pilot Study",
 journal = "Sensors"
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