An Approach Based on Social Network Analysis Applied to a Collaborative Learning Experience (bibtex)
by I. Claros, R. Cobos and C. A. Collazos
An Approach Based on Social Network Analysis Applied to a Collaborative Learning Experience (I. Claros, R. Cobos and C. A. Collazos), In IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, volume 9, 2016.
Bibtex Entry:
 author = "I. Claros and R. Cobos and C. A. Collazos",
 journal = "IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies",
 title = "An Approach Based on Social Network Analysis Applied to a Collaborative Learning Experience",
 year = 2016,
 volume = 9,
 number = 2,
 pages = "190-195",
 doi = "10.1109/TLT.2015.2453979",
 issn = "1939-1382",
 month = "April"
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