The Effect of Personality and Learning Styles on Individual and Collaborative Learning: Obtaining Criteria for Adaptation (bibtex)
by Carro, R.M. and Sánchez-Hórreo, V.
The Effect of Personality and Learning Styles on Individual and Collaborative Learning: Obtaining Criteria for Adaptation (Carro, R.M. and Sánchez-Hórreo, V.), In IEEE EDUCON - Global Engineering Education 2017, 2017.
Bibtex Entry:
@inproceedings{carro2017effect, title= {The Effect of Personality and Learning Styles on Individual and Collaborative Learning: Obtaining Criteria for Adaptation}, author= {Carro, R.M. and S{\'a}nchez-H{\'o}rreo, V.}, booktitle= {IEEE EDUCON - Global Engineering Education 2017}, year= {2017}, organization= {In press}}
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