Using collaborative learning scenarios to teach programming to non-CS majors (bibtex)
by Echeverria, L., Cobos, R., Machuca, L. and Claros, I.
Using collaborative learning scenarios to teach programming to non-CS majors (Echeverria, L., Cobos, R., Machuca, L. and Claros, I.), In Computer Applications in Engineering Education, volume 25, 2017.
Bibtex Entry:
title = {Using collaborative learning scenarios to teach programming to non-CS majors},
journal = {Computer Applications in Engineering Education},
year = {2017},
author = {Echeverria, L. and  Cobos, R. and  Machuca, L. and  Claros, I.},
volume = {25},
number = {5},
pages = {719-731}
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