Predicting attrition from massive open online courses in FutureLearn and edX (bibtex)
by Cobos, R., Wilde, A. and Zaluska, E.
Predicting attrition from massive open online courses in FutureLearn and edX (Cobos, R., Wilde, A. and Zaluska, E.), In CEUR Workshop Proceedings, volume 1967, 2017.
Bibtex Entry:
@article{Cobos2017,title = {Predicting attrition from massive open online courses in FutureLearn and edX},journal = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings},year = {2017},volume = {1967},pages = {74-93},author = {Cobos, R. and Wilde, A. and Zaluska, E.}}
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