A Generative AI-Based Personalized Guidance Tool for Enhancing the Feedback to MOOC Learners (bibtex)
by Becerra, Álvaro, Mohseni, Zeynab, Sanz, Javier and Cobos, Ruth
A Generative AI-Based Personalized Guidance Tool for Enhancing the Feedback to MOOC Learners (Becerra, Álvaro, Mohseni, Zeynab, Sanz, Javier and Cobos, Ruth), In 2024 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 2024.
Bibtex Entry:
  title={A Generative AI-Based Personalized Guidance Tool for Enhancing the Feedback to MOOC Learners},
  author={Becerra, {\'A}lvaro and Mohseni, Zeynab and Sanz, Javier and Cobos, Ruth},
  booktitle={2024 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON)},
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